Free download Toddler Tap-A-Mole APK for Android

2024-04-28 free-to-play 156
  • Toddler Tap-A-Mole
  • Toddler Tap-A-Mole
  • Toddler Tap-A-Mole
  • Toddler Tap-A-Mole
Description of Toddler Tap-A-Mole

Toddler Tap-A-Mole is a simple tap-for-fun game set in a fictional mole infested yard. The aim of the game is to protect the yard from those pesky moles by tapping them on the head when they pop up. Wow crazy fun!

Disclaimer: If you're not a toddler and you're not someone who's thinking about downloading this app for a toddler, you probably don'7up 7 Down t want to proceed with this download - it's not much fun for anyone older than toddler age. There's no score, no time limit and no game over, in all honesty, there's no real point to this game whatsoever, except that it seems to amuse toddlers. If you're a toddler, please ignore this disclaimer - this game is tonnes of fun!

Note: This app does not contain adverts.

Version history Toddler Tap-A-Mole New in TapAMole 1.1 Note: This app force closes on some devices as mentioned in the comments, however, I've been unable to replicate this behaviour and as such been unable to source the issue and fix it. If you experience a force close with this app on your device, I'd really appreciate it if you could use the 'Email Developer' link on this page and provide some information about your device, such as the make/model and the version of android you are running. Thank you. Please rate this app
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