Descrição do Vaar Melder | Rijkswaterstaat
With this the Vaarmelder, users of the fairway can use their knowledge and experience to send correct and reliable information to the waterway manager.
Users can report unsafe situations and defects along the waterway by choosing from the selected topics. The app only uses managed resources. The source data can be updated more quickly with these reports. With the reports, other waterway users will be informed more quickly, insight will be gained into the safety perception of all road users.
The position and the email address will be sent. A photo is optional but often works illuminating.
Note: The traffic signs are shown symbolically.
The exact location is correct, but the text of the sign on the map does not give the actual text.
Use VHF and / or telephone for emergency and urgent situations.
On the basis of the position, the report is sent to the manager of the waterway. The report is verified and urgent information is made known to other users and stakeholders.
The administrator updates source data on the basis of the notification according to pre-determined rules.
The report comes in a database for analysis.
Every six months an oJungle DeLight verview of the reports is made without source data.
Rijkswaterstaat manages this app. If you have a comment or a question about this app, please contact the National Information Line of Rijkswaterstaat on the free telephone number 0800-8002 (07.00 am to 8 pm and on weekends and public holidays from 10 am to 6 pm) : 30 hours).
You can also e-mail your question, complaint or idea to us by filling in the form at
For more information, visit