Descrição do 39 HEMP
There are (3) three primary user types that can use the platform:
1. Consumers - Purchasing end products from the retail storefront.
2. Producers - Tracking genetics through their facilities and selling them wholesale. In some cases producers may be vertically integrated and sell retail as well.
3. Brands and Retailers - Create storefronts to sell their products direct to the consumer retail market.
Producers will have the ability to share three (3) types of content. Activities, Transformations and Chain of Custody. All content entries are geolocated through the 39Hemp app, and data encrypted via blockchain.
Activities - Things the producers are doing with the product. Examples are planting starts, watering their farm, soil samples, propagation, or extraction, distillation, or THC remediation at a processing lab.
Transformations - Takes place as the product changes stages. For example, seed to start or a plant getting harvested and split into flower and biomass products.
Chain of Custody - As the asset changes ownership this will be recorded on the supply chain per the inventory of that genetic. Again, geolocated within the 39Hemp application through each custody change.
As producers log data with pictures and videos the media will be date, time and geolocation stamped to provide verification of the data. This media combined with all other forms of data logged onto the platform will be secured using blockchain technology. This will ensure the integrity of the network and prevent tampering of data.
All users on the platform will have full visibility into the product's lifecycle back to the genetic story. This gives both consumers and regulators comfort in all ingredients and products derived from the 39 HEMP platform.