Free download Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit) APK for Android

2024-05-07 free-to-play 253
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
  • Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit)
Description of Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit) This is a free turn-limited version of Allied Invasion of Sicily 1943, a turn based strategy game set on the Mediterranean Theater during the Second World War. You are in command of the amphibious assault force of two separate Allied armies invading the island of Sicily in the summer of 1943. Codenamed Operation Husky, it is effectively the first step in the Allied Italian campaign to strike into the soft underbelly of Axis held Europe, as Churchill elegantly said. In addition of taking on the Axis powers and the fierce fighting in the mountain passes, the campaign is well known for the competition between British and Americans forces to reach Messina before each other. Full version available at the store Version history Invasion of Sicily (turnlimit) New in Sicily + Setting: Alter how strongly hexagon grid is drawn on the map+ Each general alters between offering call-for-support or sabotage action+ Accuracy: Artillery unit can use up MPs to prepare for the next barrage to make it more efficient+ Rear area units with multiple MPs might not leave movement arrows to avoid filling the entire map with them+ Setting: Rounded Display: If turned ON, the game tries to pad the status line text+ New Bersaglieri iconNew in Sicily + Setting: Show Fatigue number instead of FA-marker+ Setting: Strength of shadow on units+ Each unit tracks the number 7up Down Trickof hexagons they move+ Cut off dugouts etc immobile defensive structures might lose HP (20% chance)+ General: Action: Build Hospital+ New Forest icon: Forest/Swamp/Hospital drawn bigger if covered by unit+ Setting: Turn |||,==,HO markers ON/OFF (Forest, Swamp, Hospital)+ Withdrawing unit favors clear terrain and cities more+ HOF cleanup+ More Tactical RoutesNew in Sicily v3.4.1+ Minimap: Altering color themes to better separate various targets+ Setting: Turn Hospital-dots ON/OFF on minimap+ AI refinementsv3.4+ Setting: Turn Special Force Units ON/OFF+ Setting: Show terrain on minimap (slight color variation)+ Bug fix: Encircled AI units were too passive+ Documentation: Updates and typo fixes+ HOF cleared from the oldest scores+ Lighter and wider rivers (take II)+ Setting: Turn Mortars ON-OFFNew in Sicily + Setting: Turn Special Force Units ON/OFF+ Setting: Show terrain on minimap (slight color variation)+ Bug fix: Encircled AI units were too passive+ Documentation: Updates and typo fixes+ HOF cleared from the oldest scores+ Lighter and wider rivers (take II)New in Sicily v3.3.8+ Setting: Turn Mortars ON-OFF+ New lighter sea-water hexagon icon & lighter rivers+ Unit Tally includes separately HPs lost by bombardment-barrage+ Added flags to Italian units, bigger flags on other unitsv3.3.6+ Removed Confirm Ending Turn dialog ON-OFF setting+ Setting: Show minimap during AI movement phase ON/OFF+ History Notes: Added new ones and edited old ones+ HOF cleared from the oldest scoresNew in Sicily + Removed Confirm Ending Turn dialog ON-OFF setting+ Setting: Show minimap during AI movement phase ON/OFF+ Removed Google Support Library: Smaller app size but dialogs might look different+ Relocated 4 settings (Unit History, Shorten Units in War Status, Shorten Nearby City text, Text Variation) to Settings View (Main)+ History Notes: Added new ones and edited old ones+ HOF cleared from the oldest scoresNew in Sicily + Setting: Size option for Movement Arrows+ Yes-No confirmation dialog on Disband action+ Setting: Minimap includes railway-road network in black color+ Separate unit type for Canadian ArmorNew in Sicily + Road only gives cheaper move when moving from own hexagon to own hexagon+ Disabled battle clouds, darken damaged units, map labels for really old versions of Android+ AI: Improved tactical decision making (if combat nearby ignore cities more, AI Commander plays a little bit more safer)+ Animation speed limits now 600ms - 1400ms+ Graphic optimizations: Round IINew in Sicily + Unit Tally: list of units with most battles+ Unit History for Combat Units (Select Unit - Info - Unit History)+ 10 undo actions per campaign (applies when moving into hexagon you control: Deselect unit - Main - Undo)+ General: Strength Map: Show strength of your combat forces on minimap+ When General selected RS tag shown on unit whose Supply Depot will be Reset+ Graphic optimizations (faster screen update, smaller app size)+ HOF cleared from the oldest scoresNew in Sicily + Added Axis Generals and Artillery (new games only)+ When General is selected yellow SF marker shown on the General which would receive Shift Focus MPs+ When General is selected the combat unit which would get MPs marked with light blue border & MP marker+ Setting: Mechanized units might lose MPs due to being out of fuel+ Setting: Turn Bazookas ON/OFF+ Shorten Bombardment/Barrage as Hit (later turns)+ Unit Tally will include HP losses for each unit type+ 50 new quotations+ HOF cleanupNew in Sicily + Setting: HP marker background color: Either changing Color (Green=high HP, yellow=medium HP, red=low HP) or White (at various levels of brightness)+ If one unit has multiple resources of the same type assigned to it one of these will be returned back to the resource pool between turns+ Removed Big Advance feature (extra resources for gaining over 13 VPs in one turn)+ Cannot apply Operational Movement so close to front line+ Setting: Turn Anti-Aircraft Guns ON/OFFNew in Sicily v3.1+ Setting: Minimum time to show pop-up message (increase if you discard messages too quickly)+ Setting: Allow Moving of NON-selected unit (swipe starting from over a non-selected unit moves it)+ Altered location of zoom out button (-Z-) to work better on small screens+ Icons: Color & Contrast enhancementsv3.0.8+ Setting: Victory ONLY after controlling ALL VPs+ Setting: Turn First Aid, Special Order, or Call for Support ON/OFF+ Attacking zero HP unit does not consume MPs from GeneralNew in Sicily v3.0.8+ Setting: Victory ONLY after controlling ALL VPs+ Setting: Turn First Aid, Special Order, or Call for Support ON/OFF+ Attacking zero HP unit does not consume MPs from supporting General+ Fix: Rest Disturbed without reason when hospital adjacent to seav3.0.6+ New resource: AA Guns: Reduce strafing by Axis airforce+ Setting: Turn Dugouts ON/OFF (for player)+ Axis area control flag replaced with a flag with AXIS-text+ HOF cleared from the oldest scoresNew in Sicily v3.0.6+ New resource: AA Guns: Reduce strafing by Axis airforce+ Setting: Turn Dugouts ON/OFF (for player)+ Axis area control flag replaced with a flag with AXIS-text+ HOF shows scores with normal Difficulty Level first+ HOF cleared from the oldest scoresv3.0.4+ Unit Icons Size button has bigger range+ Disbanding tank units gives tank unit replacements+ Added 70 new military history quotations+ Setting: Turn Minefields ON/OFFNew in Sicily v3.0.4+ Unit Icons Size button has bigger range (from smaller icons into over-sized units, [u] on upper left corner of game screen)+ Disbanding tank units gives tank unit replacements+ Added 70 new military history quotations+ Setting: Turn Minefields ON/OFFv3.0.2+ Setting: Selected Unit Size+ Minimap: tap focuses on selected area, separate 'map' button for full screen map+ Setting: Turn Road marker [##] on/off+ Setting: Turn City marker [CC] on/offNew in Sicily + Setting: Selected Unit Size+ Minimap: tap focuses on selected area, separate 'map' button for full screen map+ Stats: Number of Encircled units multiplied by 5 to prevent the graph from just being a flat line+ Touches right between menu items are ignored to prevent accidental taps+ Setting: Turn Road marker [##] on/off+ Setting: Turn City marker [CC] on/off Please rate this app
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